Picture the history of Mallorca as a graphic novel. Yet not drawn by one illustrator but told in paintings and sculptures by artists of the respective time. Exhibited in a splendid Gothic palace in the Calatrava district of Palma. Pass a large cobbled patio with a row of perfectly rounded sandstone arches and climb the wide staircase to the planta noble. Even the first impression of the Museu de Mallorca is magnificent. The Mallorca Museum houses almost eight centuries of island history. And it…
Miró Mallorca Revisited: Café con Antònia Maria Perelló
Most of us are familiar with Joan Miro’s paintings and sculptures. And know that the great artist used to live and work on Mallorca for almost thirty years. His studio and garden are part of Miró Mallorca, today, and belong to a unique museum. It attracts travelers from all over the world. „And of course, every Mallorcan comes to visit. But only once. And that’s it,“ the new director of Miró Mallorca admits. Antònia Maria Perelló was born on the island but she spent most of her professional…